My Stories

My Photo
Location: Montreal, QC, Canada

My name's Katherine.I speak French, English and Russian. I love TWILIGHT and EDWARD CULLEN! I also love SPORTS! I like hangging out with my friends and I just love shopping!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The End

There once lived a The End. He didn't have any friends because no one liked him.Every time he went to a playground to play,the children said to him "it's THE END of receass"but it really wasn't. Every time he went to the locks depaneur to buy something the cashier said,"it's THE END of our working hours" but it was really noon .Every time he went toFish ohh you wish, the guy at the door said, "we're closing,it's THE END of our working hours" but to the next couple he said "folow me".
Every day when he came back home he cryed.He didn't have a family.He was the only one, the only The End,the only enluckiest guy in the world.

The next week, there was a new family moving in. The Penguin Family.There father found work in the city and that's why they're here.Well that's my family.
My Dad
He lives in antarctica with my mom and me!!!!
He is very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He can swim and he walk alot!!!!!!!

And Plus he walked on ICE!!!

Well OK, now I'll talk about my mom.

Well that's my mom and me!!

She too walkes on Ice and lives with my father.

Lets get back to the story!

On a beautiful day, the penguin saw THE END and how badtreated he was so the next day, Pen walked behind THE END and when he asked to play they played,and the children saw how nice and cool THE END really was. Next, When he went to the locks depaneur to buy something the cashier saw that Pen was there he said ,"what could I give you sir" and THE END got his first ice-cream and Pen got his first crush.After that, They went to "Fish, ohh you Wish!" the doorman said to him," Follow me" and they ate some fish. At THE END of the day THE END said,"Ohh,how nice people were to me". And Pen tolld THE END that he followed him so that they will be freinds.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!