The Lightbulb
Menlo Park, USA 1878
It's a very cold night. You're in the park and you hear something wierd. You climb up the stairs. Brr... On the second floor you find yourself in a room. Something really wierd is on the table. When you approach this tiny thing it suddenly POPs and you see light!!! Where are you? Is this the home of Chris Angel? Are you in a haunted house? NO! Don't worry, you're in a labratory. It's the lab of Thomas Edison and in front of you is the FIRST lightbulb ever made!Thomas Edison was a great inventer. He invented over 1,000 objects. Things like the electric pen, the Kinetoscope (ansester of cinema)or the electric machine tha writes and many more. Same said that Edison was the magicien of Menlo Park!
But how does a lightbulb work?
A lightbulb has a globe that protects you from hurting yourself. Inside, the electricity runs through the thread and the thread heats up and that's how you get light. There's no oxygen in the lightbulb and thats why it dosn't explode. In 1879 Edison invented a lightbulb that could last 40 hours, but now our lightbulbs last more then 10,00 hours. How is that for a change?
It's a very cold night. You're in the park and you hear something wierd. You climb up the stairs. Brr... On the second floor you find yourself in a room. Something really wierd is on the table. When you approach this tiny thing it suddenly POPs and you see light!!! Where are you? Is this the home of Chris Angel? Are you in a haunted house? NO! Don't worry, you're in a labratory. It's the lab of Thomas Edison and in front of you is the FIRST lightbulb ever made!Thomas Edison was a great inventer. He invented over 1,000 objects. Things like the electric pen, the Kinetoscope (ansester of cinema)or the electric machine tha writes and many more. Same said that Edison was the magicien of Menlo Park!
But how does a lightbulb work?
A lightbulb has a globe that protects you from hurting yourself. Inside, the electricity runs through the thread and the thread heats up and that's how you get light. There's no oxygen in the lightbulb and thats why it dosn't explode. In 1879 Edison invented a lightbulb that could last 40 hours, but now our lightbulbs last more then 10,00 hours. How is that for a change?
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